"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe
So the other day I realized something. I have big collection of holiday decorations. Just a bunch of silly little tings I've collected over the years to put around my room. I've also got a whole lot of shoes. And a rainbow of nail polish. And more magazines than a Barnes & Noble. How did I end up collecting all this stuff? How do I even have room for it?
I guess over time, I've kept with me the things I like the most and left the rest behind (or a t Goodwill). If I didn't, my closet would be bursting with stuff I didn't really like and everything I've grown out of.
Life can be like that too. You don't have to take everything with you. Sometimes you may do something that doesn't really reflect who you are or give your time to something you don't like. It's okay to leave that behind. It doesn't mean you won't have learned anything. It's just a choice to leave the negatives and not let things that aren't really a part of you take up your space.
What kinds of things do you want to collect? Good friends are keepers. Lessons learned. Whatever you love about you and your life. It can be a long process, sorting through your life to figure out what works for you. But think of all the amazing things you will have saved in the end.
The Fab Gal
“The only way to be who you want to be is by being what you haven’t yet been.” – Sally Edwards