"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe
This is the time of year when everyone starts to share... including their colds. It seems to me like everyone starts to get sick right about now. I usually don't talk about health stuff, but I am a strong believer that staying healthy can keep down your stress, especially during busy times of the year like this. So here are some quick tips for staying healthy this season:
Stick to the Routine - Between big tests, shopping, holiday parties, and everything else going on, it's easy to skip out on your usual exercise and start eating more on the go. There's no need to miss out on the holiday treats or festive fun because you need to "diet" or "stay healthy." But make sure that you squeeze in time for physical activity and some good, healthy food. Your body will thank you for it.
Get Your Beauty Sleep - For me, lack of sleep is one of the main reasons I get sick. If you don't get some rest, your body won't have the energy to take on the germs that make you sick. Try to get a few good nights of sleep every week.
Take a Break - I think another reason that people get sick more often this time of year is stress. I'm not sure how that works, but there is definitely a connection between the mind and how well the body can fight illness. If you find yourself getting caught up in worries and to-do lists, take a breather and do something you enjoy to relax.
Boost Your C - Vitamin C is important to have when you're feeling sick or trying to prevent illness. That's why it's also really important to keep eating healthy meals when you're feeling busy. Make sure you eat lots of fruit or drink some OJ to boost your C intake.
Enjoy! - There are so many great things about winter - breaks from school, family time, ice skating....the list goes on. Give yourself a chance to enjoy those little things (even if you're really more of a summer gal). It will make you feel happier, and although I don't know for sure if there's a connection between happiness and preventing sickness, I'm sure it couldn't hurt.