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"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe

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The Fab Gal

Girl Talk for Fabulous Teens

  Wednesday, June 29, 2011  
FG Approved: Demi Lovato
Hey girlies!

I just wanted to share with you something really cool in the media lately. Demi Lovato, after leaving rehab and opening up about her struggles with bipolar disorder, cutting, and an eating disorder, has partnered up wit Seventeen magazine as a contributing editor, to share her campaign "Love is Louder than the Pressure to Be Perfect." You can check out more about it here: demi lovato opens up about the pressure to be perfect. I think it's a great message - sharing you struggles to help others. Check it out!


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posted by Fab Gal @ 11:10 AM   0 comments
  Saturday, June 11, 2011  
I started thinking yesterday about strengths and weaknesses. I was thinking that even though we usually consider them to be opposites, maybe they're not really that different. Maybe they're more like one thing, flipsides of a coin or a continuum. Maybe being happy and successful is figuring out how to best use your traits in each situation.

For example, I am cautious. Which means I generally don't get myself in dangerous situations (riding in a car without a seatbelt, doing drugs, jumping off a building). But sometimes it means I psych myself out of doing something I do want to do when I get nervous (leading to those "Oh, if only I had..." kind of moments). I am thoughtful - I think about everything all the time - which I believe is what allows me to be a writer, when I can channel it in that direction. But then sometimes I worry too much, and I wish I could turn it off and just breathe.

I also feel like my determination, one of my favorite traits, could be the death of me. It's certainly done me both good and bad. There's nothing inherently wrong with being stubborn or a go-getter, but when you're truly hell-bent on something, it sounds like you are headed in the wrong direction. Being determined has helped me with challenges, like making the cheerleading squad and starting a website (3 years and counting!). But then there are times like when I was resolved to lose weight. I certainly made it happen, but it didn't make me happy. Now it makes me hesitant whenever I start to get in that can't-stop-me-now mindset, because I wonder if I am sending myself down the wrong path.

So yeah, I'm definitely not good at giving things up (see the Diet Coke to my left). But I'm also not good at giving up on things that matter. If I was, would I be here? Definitely not.

You know, we always say that the way to be happy with ourselves and build self-esteem is to embrace and accept our flaws. And I do believe that is a lovely way to live. But maybe, at least sometimes, you can take it one step further, and consider how to use your flaws in a way so that they aren't really flaws at all. Are you nerdy, or are you studious and unique? Are you pushy, or could you be assertive when it matters? Are you absentminded, with your "head in the clouds," or do you have a great imagination in need of a place to go, like art or writing or music?

So don't be scared of your weaknesses. They may just be strengths you haven't figured out how to use yet.

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posted by Fab Gal @ 4:18 PM   0 comments
  Sunday, June 5, 2011  
Speak Up, Speak Now
I guess lately I have been thinking a lot about the less comfortable aspects of life that you must brave through in order to live your fullest, best life. One of those is speaking up when something is bothering you.

I am at a point in my life where I'm trying to learn how to make my own decisions and be independent. I've gotten a lot better at it. I'm having a lot of fun with it, too (my belly button has never been more glam-ified). I still get stuck sometimes, though. And it reminds me that sometimes when you've found yourself in a hole, it's time to stop digging and speak up before you can't be heard anymore.

I've been panicked beyond panicked about what I'm going to do next year after I graduate. I have some direction, and one idea in particular. But I've been really shaken up about it, and I finally realized how much it was affecting me below the surface. And I hadn't said anything to anyone about how I was feeling because it seemed better off to not acknowledge it and make it real. Less painful, anyway. I didn't want to talk, and then find out the things that I thought were true were really true - that there was absolutely no good solution. But once I realized how much I was struggling, I decided it couldn't hurt - it had to come out eventually, right? So I jumped in and told my dad about it. There were tears, definitely, and uncomfortable moments of silence for me where I just wanted to run. But it was a huge relief. Like maybe everything really will be okay. I'll be okay. My future will be bright. And I have help.

So many girls that I get to chat with online at work (which I seem to be able to brag about forever, but I will hold back for now) write in to us with big problems, or even if not "big," at least important ones that really would be best discussed with someone who knows them, face-to-face. A lot of the girls seem to understand that's what they "should" do, but often they have reasons why they feel like they can't. And that's understandable. I know people find themselves in lives I can't even imagine, where they really don't at the moment have anyone they can trust. But for the most part, I think it's just that the idea of talking about something uncomfortable or embarrassing seems too difficult, especially if it's not something you usually do. But it can be so worth it.

If I could go back in time and change one thing about my life, I would have spoken up sooner. There was a period of time in 7th grade when I was really struggling with my body, and just felt really insecure and shy. I do wonder now how my life would be different if I had reached out for help. But it's nobody's fault. I don't even really blame myself. I was clueless to the fact that how I was feeling wasn't normal or deserved, that I could be happier. And honestly, if everything that happened makes me who I am now, and gives me the chance to stop others from getting stuck in the same problems, then it was all worth it. I'll speak up, now and forever.

And I think those two words - speak up - can make so many situations better. If you see a friend slipping into a bad sitch, say something. She might be mad, but it's better than just letting her go on that way. And speaking up is monumentally important in dating relationships. Even when you like someone and feel so in sync with them, it's not always so easy to take on their perspective. And they might not see things the way you do, either. My BFF pointed out to me that when you have "silences" in a relationship - where you are not talking about a problem - it's easy to fill in the silences with what you think they are thinking or feeling, and totally over-analyze. So say something. There's actually a very good chance that you will clear things up and see there wasn't much of a problem at all. Don't be afraid to speak up even if it's not a problem per se, just something you want or need (like, you want your bf to hold your hand, or you want more one-on-one time with your BFF). Sure, you can't always get what you want, but you deserve to be heard.

You're ultimately responsible for yourself, but sometimes that means knowing when to ask for help. And besides, your friends and family are the most important people in your life, they want to help, and they deserve to get to know and love the real you. So speak up. Now's the time.

[Photo: Taylor Swift fan? Nobody knows how to "Speak Now" like the country chica.]

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posted by Fab Gal @ 9:33 AM   0 comments
  Wednesday, June 1, 2011  
Coming Through Your Storm

"The way I see it, if you want the sunshine you gotta put up with the rain. - Dolly Parton

There's a time to hide out for shelter, and there's a time to buckle up and keep moving forward. I was going all philosophical on this idea, on life as I was driving home from movie night at my best friend's house and got caught in a rainstorm. When I'd left, the sky had been calm and clear, but all of the sudden I was on a highway I barely recognized anymore because of the sudden downpour (and I'm not exaggerating - my windshield wipers were about to give up and flee to the desert). I thought momentarily of pulling over, but that didn't seem like a much more appealing (or even safe) option. I decided if I just kept driving, slowly and cautiously, soon enough I would be exactly where I wanted to be - in bed, headphones in, listening to Selena Gomez and quickly falling asleep. And in that moment I realized that's just how it is with everything in life - sometimes you find yourself in a storm, even if things looked so clear to begin with, and it's easy to be overwhelmed. But it won't last forever.

I guess people have probably used that comparison for ages, that bad times in life are like a storm. But what I only just realized is that even journeys to places you want to go, or ones that start out beautiful, can involve times of trouble. And I love storms.

My mom said something similar to me once - I thought it was important so I wrote it down, and recently thought of it again. She said that sometimes you have to struggle through the hard parts of life or do things you don't like because it allows you to get to where you want to be or do what you want to do later. She was referring to law school, her own personal storm. I imagine it's the same way for other things - breaking bad habits, training for a marathon, or overcoming self-doubt to take on a new challenge, whether it's writing a novel or just talking to a boy you like.

Perseverance, or being able to keep going in spite of challenges and obstacles, is what it's all about. Being able to pause, take a deep breath, and keep going. There are two other Ps that I think are also important - patience and perspective. Patience is a virtue, or so I've heard, but it's one that I am only beginning to acquire. I don't mean patience in the annoying "Be patient, wait your turn" kind of way you know it when you're little, although it's kind of like that. I looked it up in the dictionary, to make sure I actually knew what I was talking about, and it described patience as "an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay." I think that's perfect. Instead of flipping out or throwing your cards in or whatever you want to call it, you hold on. Really, it all comes back to having faith - in life in general, but especially in yourself. You sometimes just have to wait.

Then there's perspective. This is where, when things get difficult, you make sure you're actually seeing them clearly. I used to chide myself for walking around like there was some dark cloud over my head. But maybe I was just looking at it from the wrong direction. I do live under a storm cloud. But I'm the lightning. I have the power - it's limited, it won't last forever, and it can certainly be destructive. But it's mine. And I get to do what I want with it.

If you think you know where you're going, you can still move forward, and maybe you'll make it where you were headed all along. The drive just had more adventure than you planned.

"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning to sail my ship." - Louisa May Alcott

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posted by Fab Gal @ 3:17 PM   0 comments