Hey There FGs!
Miley has Lily. Selena has Demi. The Cheetahs have each other. You know who they are - your best friends. It's funny, because we all love to talk about boys, but our BFFs are the real rock stars. I guess maybe it's because we know that no matter what we do, no matter what we say, they will always be there in the end.
What makes somebody a best friend? No pair is exactly the same, but I think they all have some things in common. To me, it's like this quote I read, that said a BFF is the one who is there when she'd rather be anywhere else. That's the most important thing, knowing you have someone who will stick around when you fall. That, and the feeling that you are somehow always on the same level, and you understand things about her that nobody else would. BFF means hearing her special ringtone on your phone and already knowing why she's calling. It's tagging along on a boy chase because you know she would do it for you. It's laughing over the stupidest jokes that nobody but you two would get, and having a heck of a time even though you're just messing around on Facebook in your pjs.
The cool thing is, it's okay to have more than one BFF. You can have different friends from different places for different reasons. No need to be exclusive. Just make sure you give - your respect, your encouragement, your shoulder to cry on, and maybe some cookie dough ice cream when things get really bad. And know that any one of your FGs would do the same for you. Celebrate the things that make the two of you so fabulous.
Tell me about your best friend(s), Fab Gal. What makes them so special? What are some of the silly things you do together? What have you done to be there for each other? I want to hear about it all. Leave a comment to let me know!
The Fab Gal Labels: fab gal, friends, girls, relationships, teens |
My best friend is amazing. She's always there for me when I need her, and she's always making me laugh no matter what's going on. She's one of the most amazing people I've ever been forunate enough to meet, that's my best friend.